Why Real Estate Deals Fall Through: The Critical Role of Consistent Follow-Up

Jen van den Brink

Real estate deals can collapse due to financing, inspections, appraisals, or unmet contingencies. Consistent follow-up is essential to prevent these issues by maintaining regular communication with all parties, addressing concerns early, and ensuring deadlines are met. By using tools like CRMs and automated systems, agents can keep deals on track, prevent problems, and close more transactions successfully.


In real estate, a successful transaction is the ultimate goal, but unfortunately, not every deal reaches the finish line. Many factors can cause real estate deals to fall through, ranging from financial issues to unexpected changes in buyer or seller circumstances. However, one of the most overlooked yet critical reasons for deals collapsing is inconsistent follow-up. Whether it’s a buyer getting cold feet or a lack of communication between agents, missing key touchpoints during the process can make a seemingly solid deal fall apart.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons why real estate deals fall through and focus on the essential role of consistent follow-up. We’ll look at common pitfalls, explain how follow-up helps maintain momentum, and offer actionable tips to ensure you stay on top of every potential issue before it derails a transaction.

Why Do Real Estate Deals Fall Through?

Before diving into the importance of follow-up, it’s crucial to understand why real estate deals often don’t go as planned. Several key factors can prevent a deal from closing, and knowing these in advance can help agents and clients navigate the process more smoothly.

1. Financing Issues

Financing is one of the most common reasons real estate deals fall through. A buyer might be pre-approved for a mortgage but fail to secure final approval due to changes in their credit score, employment status, or other financial factors. In some cases, buyers overestimate their ability to secure a loan, and the deal collapses when the lender denies their application.

2. Appraisal Problems

When an appraisal comes in lower than the agreed-upon purchase price, the buyer's lender may refuse to finance the deal for that amount. In this case, the seller may either lower the price or the buyer may walk away if they cannot cover the difference.

3. Inspection and Property Condition

A home inspection can reveal issues that neither the buyer nor seller anticipated. Structural problems, mold, or issues with electrical or plumbing systems are just a few examples that could scare a buyer off or lead to renegotiations that stall the deal.

4. Contingencies Not Met

Buyers and sellers often include contingencies in their contracts, such as the sale being contingent on the buyer selling their current home or securing financing. If these contingencies aren't met, the deal can fall apart.

5. Buyer’s Remorse

Sometimes buyers experience cold feet. After getting excited about a property, they may second-guess their decision and decide to pull out of the deal. This often happens when there hasn’t been enough follow-up to address concerns and keep the momentum going.

The Importance of Consistent Follow-Up in Preventing Deal Breakdowns

Given the number of things that can go wrong during a real estate transaction, the role of consistent follow-up is vital. By maintaining regular communication with all parties involved in the deal, you can catch issues early and ensure they are addressed before they become deal-breakers.

1. Addressing Financing Concerns Early

One of the most effective ways to prevent financing from derailing a deal is to maintain regular contact with the buyer and their lender. By following up consistently, you can stay informed of any potential issues with the buyer’s financing and encourage the buyer to maintain the financial stability needed to secure their mortgage.

Proactive follow-up with lenders also ensures that everyone stays on the same page and any issues that arise can be handled quickly. If there’s a potential problem with a buyer’s financing, catching it early allows you to work with the lender and buyer to find alternatives or seek backup financing options before the deal collapses.

2. Following Up on Inspections and Appraisals

Inspections and appraisals are another potential minefield for real estate deals. Following up with inspectors and appraisers, as well as keeping both the buyer and seller informed throughout the process, helps manage expectations and avoid surprises. When an inspection reveals issues, prompt follow-up gives both parties time to negotiate solutions before the deal is at risk of falling apart.

Similarly, maintaining communication with both the buyer and seller in the event of a low appraisal can help prevent misunderstandings. Being quick to offer solutions—whether that’s renegotiating the sale price or helping the buyer find additional financing to cover the gap—can be the difference between saving or losing the deal.

3. Managing Contingencies Through Ongoing Communication

Contingencies are built into many real estate contracts to protect buyers and sellers from unforeseen events. However, failing to follow up on these contingencies can leave them unresolved, causing the deal to collapse. For instance, if a sale is contingent on the buyer selling their current home, keeping in touch with the buyer’s agent can help ensure their sale progresses smoothly, reducing the risk of delays.

Consistent follow-up also helps ensure that all parties are aware of important deadlines. By reminding buyers, sellers, and other involved professionals of contingency deadlines, you can avoid last-minute issues that might otherwise derail the transaction.

How to Implement a Consistent Follow-Up Strategy

Now that we understand the importance of follow-up, let’s look at how realtors can implement an effective follow-up strategy to keep deals on track.

1. Use a CRM System to Track Communication

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is invaluable for keeping track of all communications with buyers, sellers, and other professionals involved in a real estate transaction. Tools like Arii Engage allow agents to schedule follow-up reminders, log conversations, and track the status of each client in the pipeline. A CRM helps you stay organized and ensures that no important follow-up task is forgotten.

2. Set Clear Expectations and Timelines

From the very beginning of the transaction, it’s important to set clear expectations with your clients about what the process will look like. This includes timelines for inspections, financing, appraisals, and contingencies. Make sure everyone understands the importance of staying on schedule and following up at key points in the process.

3. Automate Basic Follow-Ups

While personalized communication is essential, there are some aspects of follow-up that can be automated to save time and ensure consistency. For example, automating email or text reminders about inspection dates, financing deadlines, or document submissions helps keep clients on track without requiring constant manual oversight.

Automated systems like Arii Connect can be programmed to send reminders and follow-ups at specific intervals, allowing agents to focus on more personalized client interactions while ensuring that routine tasks are handled efficiently.

4. Personalize Your Follow-Up Messages

Automation can handle routine reminders, but personalized follow-up is where agents can truly add value. After an inspection, for example, a personalized phone call or email to walk your client through the findings can ease concerns and keep the deal moving forward.

Personalizing follow-ups doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Even a quick check-in or an update on the market conditions that might affect the transaction can make clients feel supported and confident.

5. Stay Proactive Throughout the Transaction

Follow-up isn’t just about reacting to problems—it's about proactively staying in touch to prevent issues from arising. Regularly checking in with both parties can reveal concerns that might not have been addressed otherwise. If a buyer is feeling uncertain or if there are delays in the seller's documentation, you’ll know early enough to address these issues before they become critical.

Real-Life Example: How Consistent Follow-Up Saved a Deal

Consider a scenario where a buyer was struggling to secure financing for a dream home. The deal was in jeopardy, and the buyer was about to walk away. However, the realtor had been following up consistently with both the buyer and their lender. By doing so, they identified the issue early and suggested alternative lenders that might work with the buyer’s specific situation.

Thanks to consistent follow-up, the buyer found a new lender, secured financing, and the deal closed successfully. Without regular communication and proactive follow-up, this deal would have fallen through.


In real estate, deals can fall through for a variety of reasons, but many of these issues can be mitigated with consistent, strategic follow-up. Whether it’s managing financing concerns, navigating inspections, or ensuring that contingencies are met, regular communication keeps all parties engaged and informed, preventing surprises that can derail a deal.

Implementing a solid follow-up strategy—supported by the right tools, like Arii Engage and Arii Connect—will help you maintain control of your deals and close more transactions. Remember, it’s not just about keeping in touch; it’s about staying ahead of potential problems and ensuring that your clients feel confident every step of the way.

With consistent follow-up, you can prevent many of the common pitfalls that cause real estate deals to fall apart and turn more prospects into satisfied clients.

September 16, 2024

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